Nine quick solutions.
The cause of stress in business is having
too few prospects. When we only have a couple of
prospects, we press, we push, we strain to make
them join our opportunity. Prospects feel this
pressure and instinctively back away from us.
*** Prospects can smell desperation.***
This leads to fewer prospects and the vicious
cycle gets worse and worse.
When we have an abundance of prospects, we're
happy. We are not desperately waiting for a single
decision from a single prospect. We aren't married
to the outcome of a single presentation.
Instead, we're relaxed. We simply share our opportunity
and take the first prospects who volunteer and step
forward. Now we're working with volunteers and we
have more great prospects waiting in line.
Which scenario describes your business career?
A. Are you pressing and struggling from too
few prospects?
B. Or, are you simply accepting applications
from the best volunteers from your large
pool of quality prospects?
The solution is simple:
Increase your marketing so that you have an
abundance of prospects.
Why not increase your personal contacts now? Here
are some quick ideas:
1. Host your class reunion. You don't have to wait
for a 10-year or 20-year anniversary. You can do
it anytime.
2. Take your best three or four headlines and first
sentences and test them. Mail out 100 postcards
and test the response for each.
3. Start your own breakfast club.
4. Offer to be a guest on a local radio talk show.
5. Loan out ten "How To Get Rich Without Winning
The Lottery" books.
6. Establish some contacts who will send you referrals.
7. Pass out 10 product tapes or CDs.
8. Pass out 10 product samples or information packs.
9. Get some leads via Google AdWords.
There are plenty of ways to expand your universe of
quality prospects. Just pick a method that's comfortable
for you.
"Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
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