Did you know it's possible to make more money in one hour
using the highest paid skill in the world than the best
English Teacher makes in one year? It's true.
What is this skill? First off, let me tell you what it's
It's not engineering ...
It's not public speaking ...
It's certainly not computer programming ...
And it's not website design ...
... it's Copywriting.
Copywriting - very simply, copywriting is the ability to put
words on paper that get people to send you money.
Copywriting creates tremendous leverage, because once you
get the right words on paper, all you have to do is use the
right media to deliver that message to the right person.
Do the work once, use it forever.
Let me tell you a story about a man named Gary. Gary was an
encyclopedia salesman who wanted to get into information
publishing. He was a very good salesman, but he hated the
long days, and hated the rejection.
He made a lot of money, but he hated seeing people face to
face. Hated it.
The reason Gary wanted to get into information publishing
was so that he never had to do face to face selling and
telephone prospecting again.
The idea of sending out a letter in the mail, and having
money come back without ever seeing his customers or even
talking to them on the phone appealed greatly to Gary.
Plus he could have a printer print up all his letters, and
the post office deliver them so that he would never have to
do any work. Write the letter, have others send it out. Gary
is, of his own admission, a somewhat lazy fellow, so you can
see why the information business appealed to him.
So, Gary went to the library, checked out all the books on
direct mail, studied them scrupulously, and then went out
and did exactly what they said to do.
What happened? Gary failed miserably. He didn't get any
orders - not one. He lost his butt doing what the books told
him to do. Now Gary may be, at times, lazy, but he's
certainly not dumb. He quickly came to the conclusion that
the people who wrote the books didn't have a clue what they
were talking about.
So, Gary threw out the books, and used what he had learned
while he was selling encyclopedias to write a letter. He
took all the elements of his sales presentation, and put it
in print. So now, instead of giving a sales presentation one
on one, he could deliver it to millions of people at the
same time.
So Gary had a few of his letters printed, and he mailed them
out. And he did get some orders. And he used the money from
the order to mail more letters. And then he used the money
from those orders to mail even more letters. And so forth.
What was the bottom line? Simply this: Gary was soon able to
mail so many letters, that he brought in over 20,000 checks
per DAY! In fact, he brought in so many orders he had to
hire 35 housewives just to make his bank deposit.
What was Gary selling? It doesn't matter! See, the magic was
not in the product - it was in the letter!
People were sending Gary money because of the words they
contained in the letter. And, the neat part was, Gary only
had to write the letter one time - once it worked all he had
to do was mail it.
That's the power of copywriting. I've never had 20,000
checks per day come in, and quite frankly I'd never want to.
That's too much work to process all those orders. But I do
have, in my possession, several "million dollar" sales
letters I've written - letters that have brought in over one
million dollars.
Whenever top marketers want to make more money, they just
mail these letters and the money comes in. Write the letter
once, collect the checks forever. I do the same thing, and
have with my most successful business ventures and with
Copywriting truly is the highest paid skill in the world.
Gary, who I just told you about, now charges $25,000 plus 5%
of the gross just to write one ad or letter. And he has a
waiting list - people are standing in line, hoping Gary will
write a letter or ad for them.
Why would they do this? Because they know once the ad or
letter is written, all they have to do is mail it.
In fact, Gary once wrote a diet ad for a client of his that
brought the client over $40 million in sales. The client
happily paid Gary his fee, plus $2 million in royalties.
Heck, wouldn't you?
Gary makes this kind of money because he knows how to put
words on paper that get people to send it money.
I can't think of a better skill to learn.
See, the truth of the matter is, you can't hire many of the
best copywriters. Why? Because they're too busy running
their own businesses and writing for themselves.
That way they get to keep all the money. I've made as much
as $80,000 in a single month due to my copywriting skills -
and I wasn't even in the office! You can't even hire me,
because I make too much money writing copy for myself.
Writing copy is the most exciting business in the world, but
you can't learn to do it in college. You have to learn from
people who are doing it in the real world, people who are
getting real world results. And it's very hard to find these
Yours for smart marketing and making money doing something
you love . . .
Dave Dee